I don’t have a lot of dark lipsticks so I didn’t have a lot to compare it to. This one was a lot harder to find dupes to. NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick in Vintage.

Butter London Lippy Tinted Balm in Tramp Stamp.Nyx liquid suede cream lipstick vintage comparisons Onto the many many photos! I have also compared these to other lipsticks in swatches as well 🙂
It does crack a little bit on my lips, but I didn’t mind it (it’s only obvious in close-up shots). It seems just a tiny bit thicker of a formula compared to Cherry Skies and Vintage, and this is beneficial. I could swipe it on straight from the tube and be able to apply an even layer. Ironically enough, I found that Tea & Cookies, the lightest shade that I bought, was the least high maintenance. They always retain a little shine and tackiness.

These never dry 100% matte or transfer-proof in my experience. It’s almost like a Too Faced Melted for a good fifteen minutes before it mattifies a little. The dry-down also takes the longest out of all my lipsticks. And you absolutely cannot have your lips touch while they’re drying it makes it very uneven. I think they’re finicky they streak easily unless you have lots of patience. In the case of Vintage, I prefer the thinnest layer possible rather than using a lot of product. Thinner layers and maybe even a lipbrush seems to be required. When I first got these and tried applying straight from the tube, it was way too much product and it slipped around and was hard to get even. The darker colors apply best in thin layers with waiting time in between layers. I’m still trying to figure out a way to pull up less product with the wand but also not lose it when I close the lid. I think the doe foot pulls up too much product from the tube which makes it hard to apply a nice even layer, but if you wipe the foot off on the lip of the tube as you pull the wand out (to not waste product and keep it inside) you’ll get a build-up that makes a little come out when you close the lid. I actually found these very very high maintenance and a little annoying to apply. They aren’t liquid enough to pour, for example, but they have a lot of slip to them. They are not as creamy as the Soft Matte Lip Creams. I find that these are relatively liquidy. Seems to fade away within 20 minutes, thankfully. It’s a plasticky, fake smell that carries over to taste as well. It’s not nearly as bad though, so I can put up with it. They do have a slight smell to them, very reminiscent of the Makeup Revolution lipsticks that I hated. These come in tubes with doe foot wands and are slightly longer and larger than the NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams. I got Tea & Cookies which is a light pink, Vintage which is a deep brownish wine, and Cherry Skies which is a deep red.